Monday, December 26, 2011

Hurting me

Hurting Me

I may pretend I don't care
With what you do
But I'm pretty aware
Of everything you do
I have to pretend
To spare me
Because in the end
You're hurting me

The smile is just a façade
I don't want you to see what's going on inside
I don't wanna look vulnerable, not near you
I don't wanna show you how much my love grew
'Cause you'll only hurt me more
And I don't think I can take it anymore

I didn't mean what I said
No, my love isn't ovr like I said
I was only protect myself
Although I've guarded myself
My outside is strong and I'm lying
Since inside is weak and I'm crying
Would you look me in the eyes?
You were the one who stabbed me with the knife


Can you hear my silent crying?
Something inside me is dying
Can you see my invisible tears?
Can you notice that you made true my worst fear?

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Hey people!! Even though I'm not in a Christmas spirit I won't be rude and don't wish you you all a merry Christmas. Merry Christmas and I wish you and your family to be very happy and get a lot of gifts :) To celebrate it, I made a parody of Justin Bieber's Mistletoe and I hope you like it :D
Warning: Don't read it if you're a Justin Bieber fan.


It's the most beautiful time of the year
Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer
I should be playing in the winter snow
But Imma be under the mistletoe.

The lyric of this song is so gay
And the screaming girls are a disgrace
'Cause I’m gay and you know
And Imma be under the mistletoe

With you, Johny, with you
With you, Greg with
With you, under the mistletoe

My a-hole is on fire
Nuts are exactly what I like
I should be hiding it of my folks
But I can’t keep it under control

Word on the streets Santa's coming tonight
Reindeer flying thru the sky so high
But I was naughty with Bob,you know
and  Imma be under the mistletoe.

With you, George with you     
With you, Rick with you
With you,under the mistletoe
With you, Lucas with you
With you, Ted with you
With you, under the mistletoe

Hey Love,the hot men followed a star
One of them conquered my heart
And it led me to a miracle
Hey Ross don’t you buy me nothing
‘Cause I am feeling one thing
Your lips on my lips
That’s a merry merry christmas

It’s the most beautiful time of the year
News fill the world that I’m such a queer
But that everyone already know
As I have consistently shown

I’ve always been gay
But only now I’ve started to embrace
I should be playing with some hoe
But Imma be under the mistletoe

 With you, Joe with you
With you, Nick with you
With you, under the mistletoe
With you, Kevin with you                  
With you, Franckie with you
With you, under the mistletoe

Kiss me underneath the mistletoe
Show me Max that you Love me so
oh oh oh oh
Kiss me underneath the mistletoe
Show me John that you love me so

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Nothing to you

Hey!!! It's almost christmas,who's excited?? (not me) My nails look great,which is good,my hair doesn't look bad either,but just the thought of spending 5 hours + with my family and receiving almost no gifts (my beautiful family only gives gifts to the small children) - and the ones I receive could just go to garbage right away- doesn't let me be happy with my nails and hair. 
Talking about being happy, I'll say something about this lyric: I'm not depressed,ok?? I wrote it a few weeks ago and when I read it now I was like: OMFG, WTF was wrong with me??What a depressive train wreck!! But I got my shit together and I'm fine now (it's reflecting on my nails and hair). So, here's the lyric:

Nothing to you

Even though it hurts me to see it this way
Although sometimes you make it look like it isn't this way
I'm almost sure that the truth
Is that I mean nothing to you
The way you look at me
Makes it look like you care
But the way you act
Makes me wonder: how you dare?
You make me so confused
And my confusion makes you amused
Maybe that's the way you see me
Just a little toy that gives you some glee

It's sad but truth
I mean nothing to you
The saddest part is
You are everything to me
And the same way that for you I'm nothing
For me you're everything

Why did you make me believe
I meant something to you
As you go away, the scars you leave
Show that I like you more than I should
How could I be so stupid to believe
That you'd change for me
That I meant more than the other girls
But for you I mean nothing
Just like the other girls



Friday, December 9, 2011

I miss you

Hey people!! What's up?? I know I haven't been around in a long time, I was just...well...I don't have an excuse :/ I was just not in the mood for posting, although I had written 509390848373473278 lyrics. here's one of them:

I miss you
I still remember the look in your eyes
When you saw me coming
I miss the way you'd smile
At the first sight of me coming

I remember you'd whisper in my ears to give me chills
I miss you whispering in my ears
Willing to give me chills

I remember all we had because I miss it
All I want to ask is: do you also miss it?
I miss everything we had
Can't we get it back?
I miss you
Do you miss me too?

I remember how you used to be eager to meet me
I miss how you used to be eager to meet
I remember the way you used to kiss me
I miss you kissing me

I miss the way you cared about me
I remember you used to care about me
With you is where I wanna be


Can you look straight in my eyes and say
that you don't miss the way i'd whisper in your ears
Willing to give you chills
That you don't remember when I wiped your tears
That I was the one who helped you climb that hill
Can you really say to me
That you don't remember being eager to meet me
That you don't remember smiling at me
And that you don't miss all of this? 

Monday, November 14, 2011

The title is too big to be a title

Hey!! what's up?? So,what was supposed to be the  title is too big to be a title,so there's no title :)

You're not the king of guy
I'd fall for
I tried to deny
I couldn't be in love with you, I swore

I knew loving you wouldn't do good to me
I knew you'd never appreciate me
I knew you'd only hurt me

But I fell in love with you
And even though I tried my best to deny the truth
One day I saw I had fallen for you
I only realized that I love you
The moment you said you didn't love me
Now there isn't much I can do
Because you've hurt me
And that was the moment I saw that I loved you

I thought I was a girl with a head in the right place
The only thing it's in my head now is your face
I try, but I can erase
It truly is a disgrace

I knew you wouldn't care about me
I was stupid to believe
You'd ever want something with me

But I fell in love with you
And even though I tried my best to deny the truth
One day I saw I had fallen for you

I knew I was just another one
I knew that in a week our relationship would be long gone
You have no idea of the damage you have done
But I was the stupid one
For falling for you
And expect from you more than I should

But I fell in love with you
And even though I tried my best to deny the truth
One day I saw I had fallen for you

Saturday, November 5, 2011

You Knocked me down

Hey! So...I have nothing to's the lyric:

You  knocked me down

I did all I could to avoid it
I did all I could to avoid me
But at the end of the day,it was stronger than me
I was right of being afraid of it

I put my armor down
I put all my walls down
And then you knocked me down
I knew this would happen
It always does
In love, what happens
Is that you get hurt

At first i was scared
But I thought I was prepared
For you, I was bare
'Cause I thought you cared


Now I'm going to build higher walls
So I can be sure I will not fall
Since no one was there to protect me
When you hurt me

Sunday, October 30, 2011

No title

Hey peeps!!What's up?? So this week I've been really creative and I've written a bunch of lyrics,b-U-t I didn't make up a title for this one so I'll call it: The Lyric with No title :) Enjoy

The Lyric With No title

You told me you don't wanna be more than friends
So I guess this is how it ends
Do you remember how it was a week ago?
now see our status quo
We were on fire
Burning with desire
Now my heart is on fire

You said you don't wanna be more than a friend
But you don't act like you want it to end
The way you look at me hasn't changed
You and I are chained

What's wrong with us?
We're suffering separately
While I still want you
And you clearly want me
What are we gonna do
If none of us will admit it


I told you I've never loved you
I showed you I had no interest on you too
We stand side by side
Quietly trying to deny
That when we turn our head to the side we cry
You and I lied
We are have too much pride

Why do we keep pretending?
That we mean nothing for each other
This shouldn't be ending
I love you like no other


You think I can't see,but I've seen
How sad you have been
Please, ignore my words,you do mean a lot to me
Sadly we are dumb enough to believe each other
We are so perfect for each other 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Just another one

Hey girl,hey! Hey boy,hey! Hey nun, heY! I won't say a thing about this lyric, because if I do I'll start talking about what happened trying not to tell what happened and I'll end up writing a book here, so let's get right to the lyrics.

Just another one

It's  not fair
that you pretend to care
for you I'm just an affair
At least I was prepared
I knew that although your sweet talk
And the pretty flowers you bought
You're only having fun
And I'm just another one

I can't complain
I knew where I was getting into
I understand
I don't mean anything to you
I'm just another one

You only wanted me because of the catch
I'm only another achievement on your path
You made it clear
And I'm fine with that, dear
I won't shed a tear
Because I knew where I was getting into
And now there's nothing I can
since I chose a boy like you


I won't run after you
If you can't see my value
I won't see yours too
No, you haven't won
'Cuz for me, you're also just another one


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Don't let me fall

Hey girl,hey! hey boy,hey! What's up?? Nothing to's the lyric:

Don't let me fall
The ground has started shaking
And I've started losing my support
My heart has started aching
I can see my time is short
The floor beneath me is breaking
My legs have started quaking
It's not my fault
But I've started to fall

Don't let me fall
Stop me
Before you become my all
Don't let you be
Don't let me fall

I'm falling and eventually I'll hit the ground
And it will hurt
Can't you hear the sound?
It's the alert
To save me
Before it's too late
believe me
I don't want this to be my fate


Please don't hold me while I'm falling
Or I might fall deeper


Saturday, October 8, 2011

I shouldn't have expected

Today's lyric is about expecting something from someone and getting upset when they don't do what you expect.
The lyric ain't about pregnancy,but I took that title kind of like an inspiration: "what to expect when you're expecting" too much: be hurt"
"Sometimes we expect more from others because we’d be willing to do that much for them."

I shouldn't have expected

You changed the way  you look at me
You changed the way you joke with me
You changed the way you bug me
You changed the way you smile at me

You made me expect too much
But the only thing you should expect when you're expecting
Is to be hurt

Why were you suddenly so sweet
You almost made me believe
That you had changed completely
The worst thing is that I let myself be affected
I shouldn't have expected
what I expected from you

You changed the way you talk to me
You changed the way you hug me
You changed the way you  touch me
Though you didn't change completely

I'm annoyed with myelf
For thinking you'd get over yourself
I shouldn't have expected anything from someone like you


 Why Pretend that you changed
You made me expect
results from that change
Last time I checked
You were still the same

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My heart is not a toy

Hey!!! Guess whose birthday is on the weekend?? I want you all giving me happy birthday!!Wish you all could come to my birthday party!! Let's get to the lyrics.
warning that has to due with the lyric: my heart can't be found at Toy's R Us

My heart is not a toy

You say I'm beautiful
You make me so gleeful
You sing love songs to me
But why do you make me believe
That I mean to you
What you mean to me
Becasue all you do
Is hurt me

You have my heart on your hands
And you seem to not understand
That my heart is not a toy
For you to play with it is such a joy
But it's not a toy

You were slow dancing with me
Speaking right on my ear
Giving me shivers
Making my knees quiver
But then you walked away
Without even say
So you could go make out with her
Was that where you were?


Why do you keep doing those things?
Why do you keep saying those things?
When you don't mean anything
Do you know you hurt me?
You don't care, you're only playing with me
For you, I'm just a toy
My heart is just a toy


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

So right, yet so wrong

 Hey!!I'm not writing any introduction because I'm hungry

So right, yet so wrong

 You understood me in the deepest way
Knew what I was thinking before I even say
I can see today
You were so right
Worth the fight
But you only understood my worst feelings
If I were mad, you'd stop me from healing
'Cause you were so depressed
Always so stressed
You were so wrong
It was time to move on

You'd bring up the worst of me
Tried to make me as revolted as you could be
Now I see it
Though only you completely understood me
You were so right, yet so wrong

 Yeah, you knew me
You understood me
But only the bad part of me
And you tried to feed that part

To make me hard
If you found peace
You'd destroy it
Though I found
 On the sound
Of peace
I found me


You were so right
You wree just like me
But not in the way you should be
So, you were completely wrong 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


No introduction because I'm too lazy to write and I actually don't have anything to talk about, except how hot Ian Somerhalder is. Why doesn't Santa give me something like that for Christmas??That's why Santa and I have some serious issues.

I don't get butterflies when I see you
But I wanna see you all the time, yes I do
I didn't get mad when I heard you're in love with someone
When I know it's not possible I'm that one
Though it doesn't stop me of wishing I were
I gotta stop, before love occurs
Having a free heart is what I prefer

I don't know what I'm feeling
If it's love, it's unappealing
I just wanna love who will love me back
I don't wanna be an emotional train wreck
I have mixed feelings when it comes to you
You make me so confused

I'm not sure whether I  like you or not
I'm only sure I don't like you a lot
I wanna hear everything you have to say
And I hate it when you're close by and then walk away
And even though I feel eager to see you
My heart doesn't flip when I do


You make my heart jump
But you don't make t race
My emotions feel a little numb
If it's really love, May I erase?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Blog!!!

Hello!! And yes, you read it right! Today my blog turns into a 1 year old blog!
Through this year I've posted multiple lyrics about almost everything. Some lyrics were to celebrate special dates, such as Christmas , Valentine's Day and the most special of all Turkey that was posted on thanksgiving. I also hacked the Pentagon stuff and found Friday's original lyric.
But I don't write only happy and kind of stupid lyrics. I started to write because I wanted to vent some stuff and I didn't feel like a journal was working for me, so I found out that after writing what I felt, it made me feel better. With this intention I wrote lyrics like Empty seat, Hopeless and Burnt, but still alive.
Thanks all of you who have read my lyrics this last year!!!!!!!!!Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks
Love you S2

Blog you were born today
  Blog you were born today
No there ain't no other day, 
no there ain't no other day, 
you were born on Mondaaaay

Saturday, August 27, 2011

What's up with us?

Heeeeey!! 11 am an I'm awake and aware of what I'm doing. So, Kim Kardashian got married last weekend and people are saying this is the wedding of the year!!What's up with us???? 

William and Kate must be pissed!!Kim kardashian is only well known here in the US, on the other hand Will and Kate are well known everywhere. If her wedding is the wedding of the year then mine also is (and I'm not even getting married!)
Let's get to the lyric:

 What's up with us

I look at you
You look at me
Is it me who you wanna see?
I try to hide
And you deny
But we keep looking in the room for each other's eyes
You're rude to me
And I hate you
But you keep looking for me
And I like to be right next to you

What's going on?
If there are sparkles between us, there's something wrong
You seem to like me
And I think I like you
But that's not how it was supposed to be
What's up with us?

You seem to be deeply in love with someone
And I'm clearly not that one
There's no reason for you to love me
Still, why do you keep stalking me?
We keep staring at each other
No word has been said
You blue eyes mess with me, oh mother
Look where my heart has been led


Shouldn't you when I start talking say roughly "shut up"?
You're being kind to me now, what's up?
Shouldn't I hate you?
So why do I wanna be always with you
Seriously, what's up with us?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

If I could go Back in the time

Hi!!! I didn't write anything fro 3 weeks, but this weekend I've been really creative and only yesterday I wrote 2 lyrics, so here's one of them:

If I could go Back in the Time

What have I done?
Only now I can see how far I've gone
But now is too late
I can't change the past I created
So many regrets
And no way to reset
If I could go back to yesterday
I'de never say what I said

If I could go back in the time
You'd still be here by my side
You still would be part of my life
I get mad at me
When I see it could end differently
Only if I could g back in the time

I'm not mad at you
I'm mad at me
I had no power on what you'd do
But I could not do what I did
Regret fills my mind
It doesn't let me sleep at night
I keep thinking what if
I didn't push you off that cliff


Just because we don't talk anymore
It doesn't mean I don't care about you
Any less than I did before
That's why I wanna go back in the time
To make it right

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Hey!! Sorry I haven't posted for almost 3 weeks,but I've been super busy and no creative at all. Today is a poem written by Shannon (hey, girl, hey!) called Everyday. Enjoy :)

As time goes by...
I wonder where we would be.
Everyday I count the times.
You told me you loved me.
Everytime I look in your eyes...
I see what could of been.
The Birthdays we would of celebrated.
The laughs we would of shared.
I'm counting the days...
Til' He turns one.
Til' his first words.
Then I realize...
It was just a dream.
He grew wings...
Before I could say"I love you"

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

You like to make me cry

hi!! I have nothing productive to say,so I'll get right to the lyric:

You like to make me cry

You hurt me
When you say sch nasty things
You're aware that you hurt me
Because when you do it you look so pleased
I wish I could think it's just a flaw
Not your fault
But you like to makeme sad
To make me feel bad

You like to make me cry
It must give you a high
You like to lie
You like to fight
All this to make me cry
Don't deny
You like to make me cry

I know I shouldn't listen to your words
I can't ignore though,they still hurt
I know I'm not worthless or useless
But I don't like someone telling me all the time I'm like that
Can't you show a little more of respect?
I guess that I shouldn't expect
You're simply mean
And until now that was an aspect of you that remained unseen


Why do you have to be so mean?
You knock me down then call me a drama queen
I'm not making a scene
You just hurt me


Monday, July 25, 2011

Burnt,but still alive

Hi there,hey there,ho there!Don't be a hoe there!What's up?? I've been through hell,but I survived (I had to take care of a 2 and 4 years old,and it's hot,even hotter when you're running around making sure this two little devils don't kill themselves), and this lyric is about that. When you go through a tough time and you think you're not going to make it through it,but you do.

Burnt,but still alive

Your words felt like knifes

Whatever I did, you started to fight
It was like you threw gas all over me
And set me on fire
What could I do?
I was so damaged that i couldn't even move
How could you?
Would you tell me what I did to you
To make you hurt me
So pitilessly
You made me cry
You made me die
At least I'm strong enough to be alive

The fire was spreading everywhere
I couldn't do anything, so I just stared
It started burning my skin
For sure I was paying for my sin
The fire was high
Though I survived
I'm burnt, but still alive

What could have I done?
You were pointing at me a gun
I tried to run
But who should protect me
was shooting at me
I tried to save us
Though you had forgotten us
You shot me
You hurt me
You did it pitilessly
I cried
I died
But I still managed to survive


You set me on fire
But I never stop to fight
So here I am
My scars are still open
And my heart is broken
At least I'm alive
You burned me and I survived
I'm burnt, but still alive


Monday, July 18, 2011

Do something

Hey!!So...Rebecca Black has a new song and I ave a new lyric,well done for both of us :D I have nothing to say about Rebecca's new project,s let's go right to the lyric.

Do something

Stop staring
Am I really that scary?
Come on, try your best
The line moves on fast
Stop hiding behind your twitter
going like this you'll make me bitter
Your eyes are telling me everything
But I still wanna hear you admiting it

I've noticed the way you look at me
I like you
And you like me
You know what to do
I'm what you need
Do something
and then you can have me

Don't try to make me jealous messing around with another girl
You know just as I do I'm your unique pearl
You think I'd dump you
though I like you  
Don't try to hide
You can't deny
  Your eyes are telling me everything


I can see it all in your eyes
Just do something
I can see it all in your eyes
Just do something
'Cause I already consider you mine  

Friday, July 15, 2011

It's over

Hey!! Sorry for not posting for so long!It isn't even a lyric today- I did write one,but I think it's crap so I won't post it,maybe after changing some things- it's like a sequel for the last post.
Last post's lyric is "Sorry,but it's over" and it kind of fits what's happening right now, do you know a movie called Harry Potter? Well,it's over. There won't be any more movies and people seem to be so sad about that!

I love Harry Potter and it's kind of sad that it's ending,it's such a great story and awesome movies were created with it, but everything has an ending,and now we have it. I think I'm the only person in this effing world who hasn't seen it yet,and I'm pissed. I see everyone commenting about it on Twitter (follow me on twitter :D it's @ellehwells) and I have nothing to say,'cause I haven't seen it and I read the book almost 4 years ago. 
Anyway, this cool little story has come to an end and I have 2 things to say:
1-Sadly, it's over
2- We can be sure that it is way better than Twilight (after all Twilight is a depressed girl who can't decide if she wants a dead guy or a dog)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sorry, but it's over

Hi!!!'s finally summer!!Ok, I'm more like" damn it's summer. I hate summer, "I'm on a highway to hell" almost literally. Here are the lyrics:

Sorry, but it's over

You broke my heart, because of a stupid reason
Now you regret it, with a reason
You didn't think about what you were doing
You can be sure though, I know what I'm doing

I'm sorry
I know you love me
I've seen what I needed to see
There's no more you and me

Don't come to me crying
I know you are not lying
But I have dignity 
I'm not going back to who hurt me
Sorry, but it's over

You humiliated me
Then come back crawling saying you want me back
You don't deserve me
And you owe me more than that

I'm sorry
I know you love me
I've seen what I needed to see
There's no more you and me

Don't come to me crying
I know you are not lying
But I have dignity 
I'm not going back to who hurt me
Sorry, but it's over

If you really loved me the way you say you do
You'd have done anything to be with me
So don't expect me to say "I love you too"
Because who loves
Does anything to be with the person they love 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Follow Your Heart- not Rebecca Black

What's up party people??Today's lyric is about following your heart,what can be hard because other people can put so much pressure on you to do something else. I'm going to illustrate this little story with Katy Perry's new music video: last Friday Night.

Scary, I know. This is the perfect example of someone who doesn't follow their heart. The person gets really sad.

But then,you start following your heart and everything changes. You get happier and see hope in your life.

Unless you find Rebecca Black and decides to follow her (huge mistake). This wicked waxer that will make you get down on friday and undecided about which seat should you take.
If you follow Rebecca Black you'll end up like that. So don't.
Let's get to the lyrics,shall we?

Follow your heart

Since you were born, your life has been written for you
They've decided everything you're gonna do
Every step you'll take
Every choice you'll make
You don't have opinion on your life
But it isn't the life I want to live
'Cause it just ain't me
I wanna be myself
And not someone created by somebody else

I say, screw them
I wanna follow my heart
I'll show them
Who I really am
I want to restart
And begin to listen and follow my heart

Don't expect anything from me
I'm not going to be
Your version of me
I'm gonna be whoever I want to be
I have my own dreams and aspirations
I won't let you lead me to another frustration
Sorry to disappoint
But did you get my point?

I wanna be me

I wanna follow my heart
I'll show them
Who I really am
I want to restart
And begin to listen and follow my heart

I'm not going to be
Who they expect me to be
I'm not going to do
What they want me to
I wanna have control on my live
I wanna follow my heart

I say, screw them
I wanna follow my heart
I'll show them
Who I really am
I want to restart
And begin to listen and follow my heart
I wanna be me
I wanna follow my heart
I'll show them
Who I really am
I want to restart
And begin to listen and follow my heart


 I wanna be happy

Friday, June 3, 2011


Hi!! This is not a lyric, it's a poem and I didn't write it. It's pretty good, enjoy :)

by: Makenzie

It will be one of the hardest
One of the worst
One of the baddest
It'll leave me hurt

Tears in my eyes
Regret for the lies
Why would you go?
That's what i'd like to know

Shes so much better
That's what you say
I think about you every day
You lied
I cried

How it goes
The pain shows
Cant believe it
Don't wanna feel it
Cant let to
You should know

How much it hurts
To see your pain
I feel so vain

Yes I went to him
Yes you went to her
Little did we know
We need each other

Love never fades
I hide in the shade
To escape the pain

Yes I have him
Yes you have her
What we need
Is each other

You lied about her
Hurt so much more

Don't do this
Don't go
Don't leave
Your all I need

Too much to lose
No need to prove
I had all I need
Yet... You leave

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Life's better without you

Hi! So, I found out that I'm the most amazing person ever,'cause i was able to get a cold and it's almost summer and it's like 1289077 F outside.

Life's better without you

Back in the day I was so naive
Everything was happening before my eyes
But i couldn't believe
Later, I had to pay the price
Now I regret

I regret not fighting back
I regret liking you like that
You back stabbed me
You didn't like me
I regret having anything to do with you

My life is so much better without you
I used to do everything you asked me to
You were toxic to me
Poison killing me slowly
I'm thankfull I got rid of you
I'm much better without you

I thought those were the best years of my life
I thought everything was better than fine
Finally one day I stopped being so blind
You never treated me right
You'd always push me aside

You didn't care about me
I know you back stabbed me
You liked to humiliate me
I regret not fighting back
At least I know I'm not going back


You changed me
To the worst person i could be
I wasn't happy
It was just an illusion
Now I regret 
My delusion 


Sunday, May 22, 2011


Hey!!The world ended,but we are all alive-almost(some people died yesterday and today,but not because the world ended).It makes me think that all this "the world is ending soon according to..." is pure bullshit,actually, i already thought that,yesterday just proved my point one more time.
This lyric is dedicated to the people who said(and say) the world was (is- 12/21/12) going to end.


"Sorry, I can't tonight
I have this thing of a friend of mine"
I knew it was a lie
I could understand
Why you liked to be with this friend
You didn't notice it was a snowball
Running down the hill,
One day you'd fall
Do you know how you made me feel?

Why did I cry because of such a liar?
Without you, I feel much lighter
I feel like there's no one I can trust
All because of your lust
You're a disgusting liar
Filthy fighter
A heartless liar

If you didn't want me exclusivily
Why didn't you just broke up with me?
You could have minimized the  pain
 I never wanted to play your game
You didn't care
That I never wanted to share
You did it anyway though, for my despair
You've got a wicked mind
How could I have been so blind?


No one likes a liar
least of all me
You wouldn't stop lying
And thought I wouldn't see
Don't complain little liar
You were the one who set the fire
No one likes a liar
Least of all me,baby


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Star of my life

Hi!!I found out my stripper name (very important, everyone has one but not everyone knows what's theirs) and my dad's stripper name (even though he didn't like knowing he has one). Besides that I don't have anything important to say,so let's get to the lyric :D

Star of my life

Saying "thank you" seems so insignificant
Since you do to me everything you can
When you hold my hand
I know everything is going to be alright
When you smile
You make a leaden day bright

You gave me hope
When no one else could
You held me
When no one else would
I'm really thankful to you

You never wiped my tears
because you never let me cry
With you i don't have any fear
I know I'm alright
When I'm going to fall
You hold me high
You're truly the star of my life

I'm amazed to see how you're so strong
You never let anything go wrong
Differently from him, you listen to me
You show you really care about me
You seem like the only one who can see
The real me

You helped me
When no one else could
You listened to me
When no one else would
I'm really thankful to you


You're brighter 
Than the stars on the sky
You showed me there's a light
When everything is dark
You tell me I'll be fine
You make me smile
You're truly a star
My star


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Hi!!So,today is mother's day (I can hear Rebecca Black sighing because isn't Friday,sorry Rebecca,just deal with it) and I made a little text:
What's a mom? Mom is that person that without her you wouldn't be here- literally. She went 9 months with you inside her belly and went through uncountable nights without sleep worried about you. She's the first person you look for when you're scared, confused, sad an happy. And don't try to deny, the safest place to cry is on your mom's arms.
When we are little we have this idea that our dad is a super-hero, but when the monster that lives under our bed try to attack us we look for our mom to protect us. No matter what, she'll always be there, and no matter what we do,she''l always love us.
There isn't a way for me to thank enough but I wish you a great Mother's Day and I love you with all my heart!!!

I'm going to post one of the most beautiful lyrics I've seen, it's by Christina Aguilera.

Oh Mother
She was so young with such innocent eyes,
She always dreamt of a fairy tale life,
And all the things that your money can't buy,
And she thought that he was a wonderful guy.
Then suddenly, things seemed to change,
It was the moment she took on his name.
He took his anger out on her face,
She kept all of her pain locked away.

Oh mother, we're stronger,
From all of the tears you have shed.
Oh mother, don't look back
Cause he'll never hurt us again

So mother, I thank you for all you've done and still do.
You got me, I got you,
Together we always pull through.
We always pull through
We always pull through,
Oh mother, oh mother, oh mother...

It was the day that he turned on his kids,
That she knew she had to leave him.
So many voices up inside of her head,
Saying over and over and over,
"You deserve much more than this."

She was so sick of believing the lies and trying to hide,
Covering the cuts and bruises (cuts and bruises)
So tired for defending her life, she could have died,
Fighting for the lives of her children.

Oh mother, we're stronger,
From all of the tears you have shed (all of the tears you have shed)
Oh mother, don't look back
Cause he'll never hurt us again (he'll never hurt us again)

So mother, I thank you (thank you)
For all you've done and still do (still do)
You got me, I got you, (yeah you got me and I got you)
Together we always pull through.
Oh mother, oh mother, oh mother...

All of your life you have spent,
Burying hurt and regret.
but mama, He'll never touch us again.

For every time he tried to break you down,
Just remember who's still around,
It's over, and we're stronger,
and we'll never have to go back again...

Oh mother, we're stronger,
From all of the tears you have shed.
Oh mother, don't look back
Cause he'll never hurt us again

So mother, I thank you
for all you've done and still do
You got me, I got you,
Together we always pull through 

We always pull through,
We always pull through,
Oh mother, oh mother, oh mother..

I love you mom.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Royal Wedding

Hello! Yesterday was the Royal Wedding and it was so beautiful!I decided to make a little lyric celebration :

 The way he looks in my eyes
Give me butterflies
It feels so right
Even makes me a little high
If I could look in those eyes
For all my life
I'd be the happiest person alive

Where have you been?
My prince charming
Life before you was misery
Now it feels like I won the lottery
I can hide
But I know you'll find 
the way to my heart
I'm glad you're here
Prince Charming

When your hands touch my hands
I know that I can
put down that fence
 I was myself
Of everybody else
Now I can reveal myself
And you won't act like everybody else 

Where have you been?
My prince charming
Life before you was misery
Now it feels like I won the lottery
I can hide
But I know you'll find 
the way to my heart
I'm glad you're here
Prince Charming
 When your lips touch my lips
You make my heart flip
It's magic
You make me ecstatic
When your magic lips
Touch my lips
They take me to heaven
Only you can do this

Where have you been?
My prince charming
Life before you was misery
Now it feels like I won the lottery
I can hide
But I know you'll find 
the way to my heart
I'm glad you're here
Prince Charming