Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Follow Your Heart- not Rebecca Black

What's up party people??Today's lyric is about following your heart,what can be hard because other people can put so much pressure on you to do something else. I'm going to illustrate this little story with Katy Perry's new music video: last Friday Night.

Scary, I know. This is the perfect example of someone who doesn't follow their heart. The person gets really sad.

But then,you start following your heart and everything changes. You get happier and see hope in your life.

Unless you find Rebecca Black and decides to follow her (huge mistake). This wicked waxer that will make you get down on friday and undecided about which seat should you take.
If you follow Rebecca Black you'll end up like that. So don't.
Let's get to the lyrics,shall we?

Follow your heart

Since you were born, your life has been written for you
They've decided everything you're gonna do
Every step you'll take
Every choice you'll make
You don't have opinion on your life
But it isn't the life I want to live
'Cause it just ain't me
I wanna be myself
And not someone created by somebody else

I say, screw them
I wanna follow my heart
I'll show them
Who I really am
I want to restart
And begin to listen and follow my heart

Don't expect anything from me
I'm not going to be
Your version of me
I'm gonna be whoever I want to be
I have my own dreams and aspirations
I won't let you lead me to another frustration
Sorry to disappoint
But did you get my point?

I wanna be me

I wanna follow my heart
I'll show them
Who I really am
I want to restart
And begin to listen and follow my heart

I'm not going to be
Who they expect me to be
I'm not going to do
What they want me to
I wanna have control on my live
I wanna follow my heart

I say, screw them
I wanna follow my heart
I'll show them
Who I really am
I want to restart
And begin to listen and follow my heart
I wanna be me
I wanna follow my heart
I'll show them
Who I really am
I want to restart
And begin to listen and follow my heart


 I wanna be happy

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