Saturday, August 20, 2011

If I could go Back in the time

Hi!!! I didn't write anything fro 3 weeks, but this weekend I've been really creative and only yesterday I wrote 2 lyrics, so here's one of them:

If I could go Back in the Time

What have I done?
Only now I can see how far I've gone
But now is too late
I can't change the past I created
So many regrets
And no way to reset
If I could go back to yesterday
I'de never say what I said

If I could go back in the time
You'd still be here by my side
You still would be part of my life
I get mad at me
When I see it could end differently
Only if I could g back in the time

I'm not mad at you
I'm mad at me
I had no power on what you'd do
But I could not do what I did
Regret fills my mind
It doesn't let me sleep at night
I keep thinking what if
I didn't push you off that cliff


Just because we don't talk anymore
It doesn't mean I don't care about you
Any less than I did before
That's why I wanna go back in the time
To make it right

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