Monday, July 18, 2011

Do something

Hey!!So...Rebecca Black has a new song and I ave a new lyric,well done for both of us :D I have nothing to say about Rebecca's new project,s let's go right to the lyric.

Do something

Stop staring
Am I really that scary?
Come on, try your best
The line moves on fast
Stop hiding behind your twitter
going like this you'll make me bitter
Your eyes are telling me everything
But I still wanna hear you admiting it

I've noticed the way you look at me
I like you
And you like me
You know what to do
I'm what you need
Do something
and then you can have me

Don't try to make me jealous messing around with another girl
You know just as I do I'm your unique pearl
You think I'd dump you
though I like you  
Don't try to hide
You can't deny
  Your eyes are telling me everything


I can see it all in your eyes
Just do something
I can see it all in your eyes
Just do something
'Cause I already consider you mine  

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