Saturday, August 27, 2011

What's up with us?

Heeeeey!! 11 am an I'm awake and aware of what I'm doing. So, Kim Kardashian got married last weekend and people are saying this is the wedding of the year!!What's up with us???? 

William and Kate must be pissed!!Kim kardashian is only well known here in the US, on the other hand Will and Kate are well known everywhere. If her wedding is the wedding of the year then mine also is (and I'm not even getting married!)
Let's get to the lyric:

 What's up with us

I look at you
You look at me
Is it me who you wanna see?
I try to hide
And you deny
But we keep looking in the room for each other's eyes
You're rude to me
And I hate you
But you keep looking for me
And I like to be right next to you

What's going on?
If there are sparkles between us, there's something wrong
You seem to like me
And I think I like you
But that's not how it was supposed to be
What's up with us?

You seem to be deeply in love with someone
And I'm clearly not that one
There's no reason for you to love me
Still, why do you keep stalking me?
We keep staring at each other
No word has been said
You blue eyes mess with me, oh mother
Look where my heart has been led


Shouldn't you when I start talking say roughly "shut up"?
You're being kind to me now, what's up?
Shouldn't I hate you?
So why do I wanna be always with you
Seriously, what's up with us?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

If I could go Back in the time

Hi!!! I didn't write anything fro 3 weeks, but this weekend I've been really creative and only yesterday I wrote 2 lyrics, so here's one of them:

If I could go Back in the Time

What have I done?
Only now I can see how far I've gone
But now is too late
I can't change the past I created
So many regrets
And no way to reset
If I could go back to yesterday
I'de never say what I said

If I could go back in the time
You'd still be here by my side
You still would be part of my life
I get mad at me
When I see it could end differently
Only if I could g back in the time

I'm not mad at you
I'm mad at me
I had no power on what you'd do
But I could not do what I did
Regret fills my mind
It doesn't let me sleep at night
I keep thinking what if
I didn't push you off that cliff


Just because we don't talk anymore
It doesn't mean I don't care about you
Any less than I did before
That's why I wanna go back in the time
To make it right

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Hey!! Sorry I haven't posted for almost 3 weeks,but I've been super busy and no creative at all. Today is a poem written by Shannon (hey, girl, hey!) called Everyday. Enjoy :)

As time goes by...
I wonder where we would be.
Everyday I count the times.
You told me you loved me.
Everytime I look in your eyes...
I see what could of been.
The Birthdays we would of celebrated.
The laughs we would of shared.
I'm counting the days...
Til' He turns one.
Til' his first words.
Then I realize...
It was just a dream.
He grew wings...
Before I could say"I love you"

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

You like to make me cry

hi!! I have nothing productive to say,so I'll get right to the lyric:

You like to make me cry

You hurt me
When you say sch nasty things
You're aware that you hurt me
Because when you do it you look so pleased
I wish I could think it's just a flaw
Not your fault
But you like to makeme sad
To make me feel bad

You like to make me cry
It must give you a high
You like to lie
You like to fight
All this to make me cry
Don't deny
You like to make me cry

I know I shouldn't listen to your words
I can't ignore though,they still hurt
I know I'm not worthless or useless
But I don't like someone telling me all the time I'm like that
Can't you show a little more of respect?
I guess that I shouldn't expect
You're simply mean
And until now that was an aspect of you that remained unseen


Why do you have to be so mean?
You knock me down then call me a drama queen
I'm not making a scene
You just hurt me
