Sunday, May 29, 2011

Life's better without you

Hi! So, I found out that I'm the most amazing person ever,'cause i was able to get a cold and it's almost summer and it's like 1289077 F outside.

Life's better without you

Back in the day I was so naive
Everything was happening before my eyes
But i couldn't believe
Later, I had to pay the price
Now I regret

I regret not fighting back
I regret liking you like that
You back stabbed me
You didn't like me
I regret having anything to do with you

My life is so much better without you
I used to do everything you asked me to
You were toxic to me
Poison killing me slowly
I'm thankfull I got rid of you
I'm much better without you

I thought those were the best years of my life
I thought everything was better than fine
Finally one day I stopped being so blind
You never treated me right
You'd always push me aside

You didn't care about me
I know you back stabbed me
You liked to humiliate me
I regret not fighting back
At least I know I'm not going back


You changed me
To the worst person i could be
I wasn't happy
It was just an illusion
Now I regret 
My delusion 


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