Friday, May 18, 2012

Dealing with never

Never... To some people it's just a word, they have no idea of how it's dealing with it. It hurts.
I think we never really accept the meaning of this word, you remember something happy that happened in your live thinking it had the chance to happen again, but then you remember it can't, it's impossible, it will never happen again. The thought is overwhelming, "how come I'll never live that again? It's just past and it isn't going to repeat? What?". I know that it sounds stupid, but when you have the happiest memories ever, you get off reality and you forget there's no such a thing as a time machine to go back in time. And it hurts.
Why couldn't the time have stopped where it was and let us all be happy? Life isn't like that. And when you realize that you're NEVER going to live that again you crash. It's like you have something empty inside your chest and just remembering what you had  will never fulfill you.
 You never know what never means until you're living it. Not even knowing that sometime soon "never" will be in your life gives you a hint of how it feels like.
So enjoy every single moment of your life to its best, you never know when it's going to end and when you never will be able to do something again. You desperately want to go back in time, but you can't. You have to accept it's just a memory. The time has gone by.... that's never gone happen again. Do you have any idea of how much it hurts?

PS: I miss you

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Grammy's Fashion - or whatever it was

Hi dolls!! I know it's been a week since the Grammy's and this is a blog about lyrics, but I just feel an urge to talk about it (and Grammy's and lyrics are about music,so this isn't such a different subject). Watching the red carpet I could notice that a lot of people were high. L.A must have gotten a good weed a couple of days before it...Let's get to the "high"-fashion (did u get it? haha I'm

First I'm gonna start with the big winner of the night: Adele. She looks perfect!! This dress is amazing for her (made by Giorgio Armani) and her hair and make up look flawless, but I'd like to see her wearing something younger and more cheerful, after all she's only 23.
 I'm absolutely in love with this dress that Giuliana Rancic wore. The dress is amazing and the sandals (by Jimmy Choo) go perfectly with the dress. Seriously, I want this look for me.

Rihanna wore a Armani dress that she helped design. It looks good, I'm not going to lie, but it looks more whoreish than good. But it's Rihanna and if she's not dressed like a whore she isn't herself. My biggest problem with her is the hair. WTF were you on when you decided to go with that hair???? It's effing awful!! The black roots and this messy hair messed with me.

Kelly Osbourne's dress is amazing!! I loved it!! Not loving that weird hair though...

Fergie's dress is something...interesting. If anyone saw the lace up close you could notice that it's the most amazing lace ever! And I think we all agree that if this dress wasn't sheer it would be one of the most beautiful gowns of the night. That was not the case though. The bitch wore it with black bra and panties (just like on the runway) and it looked weird, like really weird. My biggest problem is that have you ever imagined how much does this lace cost?? It must be really expensive and mr. Jean Paul wasted it doing something terrible. But kudos for her for having the balls to wear that.

Taylor Swift wearing Zuhair Murad. This dress is nice, but not for her. Although this dress has a XIX century feeling, it's pretty, but Taylor looks really old wearing it, especially with that hair. Girl, you gotta learn to dress for your age!! And when I mean "dress for your age" I'm not talking about those florals i'm-just-a-little-girl dresses you love, I'm talking about something sexier and more age appropriate for a 22-year-old.

Shocking moment: Katy Perry wearing something normal that doesn't show her boobs and a ton of skin!!! It's shocking and it's a happy moment, but this dress isn't ideal for hear. This dress by Elie Saab is really pretty, though it looks old for her. And what's up with this match of the old lady dress with the blue hair??

Anne Vyalitsyna, we get you're a Victoria's Secret and have a great body, but do you really need to show up at the grammy's wearing something that looks like you just came from the beach?? That's exactly what your dress looks like. You were chilling at the beach and then you remembered : "oh,I gotts go to the grammy's", so you just put you sarong around part of you, put on a pair of heels and went. This one was clearly high.
PS: Adam levine you look hot.
Now let's go for the tragic side of the night starting with Lady gaga.
The only thing I have to say about this is that the bitch has ran out of ideas. And not walking the red carpet was really rude.

I guess Russians still hate Americans...and I have no idea how Sasha Gradiva went through the airport security with that. The dress she's wearing is really, really, really pretty, but those guns up your arms just scream: attention whore!!!! 

This one is probably the most fucked up dress of the night, not by the dress itself (which is already terrible) , but by the fact that is the second time Nadeea wears it for the same award show!!
This one she wore in 2010.

And this year she added a sparkly bra and a puffier skirt, but it's the exact same dress!!
Now what I'm gonna say i wish people like Katy perry, Ke$ha, Lady gaga and specially Nicki Minaj could read. Lady gaga's fans would never admit it, but she wouldn't be half of what she's now if it wasn't her weird fashion that makes people pay attention to her. Her music is no big deal so she wears weird outfits to make sure people will talk about her. Katy perry and Ke$ha did the same, because they know they're not talented as artists. Both Katy Perry and Ke$ha have terrible lyrics and a terrible voice, so they also use fashion as a strategy to have succes. And then came Nicki Minaj. I'm not really into rap, so I only guess she's talented, but doing the same thing the others did just say copy-cat and attention whore. And Nicki Minaj's outfit for the Grammy's was simply ridiculous and everyone could see that she was tryin to hard to make people pay attention to her.


Monday, January 9, 2012

Run Away

Run Away

I'm attached to invisible chains
But they hurt me like steel ones
Living in so much pain
24/7 under the fire of guns
Only walls can hear me scream
And all they do is laugh at me
I wanna wake up from this horrible dream
Can't someone  let me free?

  I wanna run away to where the sky is bright
Where in the end I can see a light
Down my way
I wanna run away

I need to run away
There's no way I can stay
I feel that I won't be able to breath
Unless that I leave
For far far away
I'm running away

Agony fulfill my veins
When I think I'm stuck here
Someone please release me from these chains
So I can disappear
One day I wanna open my eyes
And see that all this was just a horrible dream
There's no more need to cry
I won't follow the stream

I wanna run away to where the sky is bright
Where in the end I can see a light
Down my way
I wanna run away


I've got nothing to loose
And so much to win
There's no excuse
Let the sweet escape begin
I wanna run away
For far far away
