Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My heart is not a toy

Hey!!! Guess whose birthday is on the weekend?? I want you all giving me happy birthday!!Wish you all could come to my birthday party!! Let's get to the lyrics.
warning that has to due with the lyric: my heart can't be found at Toy's R Us

My heart is not a toy

You say I'm beautiful
You make me so gleeful
You sing love songs to me
But why do you make me believe
That I mean to you
What you mean to me
Becasue all you do
Is hurt me

You have my heart on your hands
And you seem to not understand
That my heart is not a toy
For you to play with it is such a joy
But it's not a toy

You were slow dancing with me
Speaking right on my ear
Giving me shivers
Making my knees quiver
But then you walked away
Without even say
So you could go make out with her
Was that where you were?


Why do you keep doing those things?
Why do you keep saying those things?
When you don't mean anything
Do you know you hurt me?
You don't care, you're only playing with me
For you, I'm just a toy
My heart is just a toy


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

So right, yet so wrong

 Hey!!I'm not writing any introduction because I'm hungry

So right, yet so wrong

 You understood me in the deepest way
Knew what I was thinking before I even say
I can see today
You were so right
Worth the fight
But you only understood my worst feelings
If I were mad, you'd stop me from healing
'Cause you were so depressed
Always so stressed
You were so wrong
It was time to move on

You'd bring up the worst of me
Tried to make me as revolted as you could be
Now I see it
Though only you completely understood me
You were so right, yet so wrong

 Yeah, you knew me
You understood me
But only the bad part of me
And you tried to feed that part

To make me hard
If you found peace
You'd destroy it
Though I found
 On the sound
Of peace
I found me


You were so right
You wree just like me
But not in the way you should be
So, you were completely wrong 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


No introduction because I'm too lazy to write and I actually don't have anything to talk about, except how hot Ian Somerhalder is. Why doesn't Santa give me something like that for Christmas??That's why Santa and I have some serious issues.

I don't get butterflies when I see you
But I wanna see you all the time, yes I do
I didn't get mad when I heard you're in love with someone
When I know it's not possible I'm that one
Though it doesn't stop me of wishing I were
I gotta stop, before love occurs
Having a free heart is what I prefer

I don't know what I'm feeling
If it's love, it's unappealing
I just wanna love who will love me back
I don't wanna be an emotional train wreck
I have mixed feelings when it comes to you
You make me so confused

I'm not sure whether I  like you or not
I'm only sure I don't like you a lot
I wanna hear everything you have to say
And I hate it when you're close by and then walk away
And even though I feel eager to see you
My heart doesn't flip when I do


You make my heart jump
But you don't make t race
My emotions feel a little numb
If it's really love, May I erase?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Blog!!!

Hello!! And yes, you read it right! Today my blog turns into a 1 year old blog!
Through this year I've posted multiple lyrics about almost everything. Some lyrics were to celebrate special dates, such as Christmas , Valentine's Day and the most special of all Turkey that was posted on thanksgiving. I also hacked the Pentagon stuff and found Friday's original lyric.
But I don't write only happy and kind of stupid lyrics. I started to write because I wanted to vent some stuff and I didn't feel like a journal was working for me, so I found out that after writing what I felt, it made me feel better. With this intention I wrote lyrics like Empty seat, Hopeless and Burnt, but still alive.
Thanks all of you who have read my lyrics this last year!!!!!!!!!Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks Thanks
Love you S2

Blog you were born today
  Blog you were born today
No there ain't no other day, 
no there ain't no other day, 
you were born on Mondaaaay